I have no cameras here, so later I'll take a picture and show the position that I use my lcd. That photo above shows the LCD on the table, but today I use it on the wood of the cockpit just behind the steering wheel. That position is the closest possible, and the real steering wheel lies in the same position that the game one. So, with a small fov (like 60), the perspective is almost exact from my real point of view.
I think taht the perfect configuration will be the use of 3 monitors (a thing that I dream for soon), because the lateral screens will compensate the lack of lateral vision.
Slart, you said that you use 95 of fov? hehehe... I can't imagine something like this. I always use between 55 and 70.
FOV above 80 start to look very tunneled.
Minor FOVs takes off some lateral view, and that is not good, but the proportion worth the sacrifice.
The fov in EVO was locked for months in 80 degrees, until the lasts patches. That was horrible.
I use a 22" wide screen monitor, and I still don't like of high fovs.
IMO the best fov for LFS is 60. Have you tried it?
Well, and I would say that if you give more time to iRacing you will feel it better and better.
I think that the perspective in LFS looks "better" because the majority of the tracks are a bit wide, while in iRacing the tracks and the cars have the real proportion.
You need to buy a G25 (do it as soon as you can). The difference is big.
Here I use it inverted, but this photo is before I disassembly the pedals and mount them directly on the wood.
SSM, my first impression when I read this topic was the same that you.
After somedays I get myself doing a thing almost like.
What I do sometimes:
- The car starts to lose the rear
- I know that I will not be able to countersteer, or I know that the car will not respond this action as expect
- I know that it will be necessary to reduce the speed, and I know that if I reduce the speed countersteering, the rear will lose for sure.
(all this "I know, I know" thing is an instant thought, it is a very fast reaction, aquired after some years playing in simulators).
-So, I decide that it is time to reduce the speed, and I brake hard without countersteer, just a hard touch and release, with the front tyres aimed to the inner side or to the curve, but never to the outter side. The car stop trying to spin, than I start countersteering, with some corrections over steering wheel.
It is very fast, and it is a bit hard to reproduce when I'm paying attetion to the action. It is easier to do when I don't think
I have no sure if I could explain the right way. Sorry for my bad English.
Well, I'm not iRacing fanboy, LFS fanboy, I'm not fanboy of anything.
I just playh and enjoy all the sims, and I cleary realize the differences between them.
And IMO, no matter what people say here, iRacing feels and reacts much more like a real car than LFS, and this is in all situations.
Braking in a straight, tail braking a chicane, using engine brake, and etc.
I'm not saying LFS is wrong or bad, but for me iRacing is better, that is what I feel, and all the extensive explanation here to prove the opposite, for me, is useless, because I know what I feel, and I feel iRacing very precise.
I rarely lock up the brakes.
When you get into the game (iRacing) you need to full press all controlers, so it makes a self calibration.
If you go right to the track without do this ritual, sure your brakes will lock up, until you make a full travel of the brake pedal.
I use G25, with my pedals mounted inverted on a home-made cockpit.
You know, you are not a troll if you support LFS (SamH rules), don't matter how many useless posts you count in just 15 months of forum subscription.
BTW, your argument "steering wheel aid's" is so poor, that it shows exactly how desperate a fanboy can become in the anxious of attack the concurrency.
LFS is a great sim, but it is not the just unique sim in the market, and we have good options.
For us, "low-profile" people, these other games are great to enjoy, so, if you are so mind closed that you can't approve it, it is just bad for you, only you.
But, for a Skip Barber as example, where is the data informing how much energy the brakes can dissipate? where is the information?
iRacing has this information, they have the real car to compare. So, if it lock up the tyres ate "high" speed, I would consider that it is correct.
About F1 cars, when it will lock up? At what speed? 150mph is a number from where? Is it sure that them will not lock up at high speed? What is "high speed"?
There are many posts to read, so I'll ask something to confirm if I understood what is going on in this thread.
Beside other critics, there is one about braking in iRacing that says that you can't press your brake pedal to the metal without lock up the tyres?
If so, well, I think it is just a matter of calibration, because I don't have this problem.
I can't understand the exactly point of this thread (except under a fanboy vision): you all are saying that iRacing has worst physics than LFS, ignoring the fact that it is a solid engine with more than a decade of development and a bunch of staff around it, since real cars data and pilots and lot of beta testers along more than 2 years, and one of the lacks of the engine is about brakes?
Anybody here who is bashing the engine has tested it? Because I can't see where iRacing physics is less than LFS. Could someone reduce this bible into 3 lines, please?
I don't understand what you are saying. I think that if the car has not an ABS system, it will lock up the wheels at any speed.
The speed has nothing with the capacity of lock up the tyres. If you overtake the grip the tyres will slip. I don't have sure, but it makes sense for me.
I think that if a brake system made for racing cars is strong enough to stop the car in the minimum distance, so, any aditional pressure should be able to lock up the wheels, if not, it will be working under the limits.
The control is given to the driver or to the ABS system.
Come on, you may not be as worried about that. EVO and RF are cheap and provide great racing. There is a world turning around these simulators, big races, championships, leagues, events at fairs, real pilots, fantastic mods. Take easy with its demands. Relax and enjoy.
Batteryy you are right when you say that many things matter in a simulation.
But there are priorities, and in a simulation physics are the number 1.
My list of priority is:
If the game is meant to be played disconnected
1 - physics
2 - force feedback
3 - heating and wear
4 - damage
5 - graphics
6 - sounds
7 - real stuffs (cars and tracks, mainly tracks)
8 - GUI
if the game is meant to be played connected
1 - physics
2 - force feedback
3 - netcode
4 - heating and wear
5 - damage
6 - graphics
7 - sounds
8 - real stuffs (cars and tracks, mainly tracks)
9 - GUI
10 - multiplayer interaction
Considering that LFS is a multiplayer game, just the second list matters. I think LFS is doing a good job in the items 1, 2, 3, 9 and 10 missing yet the items 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 to be improved.
I think we can just compare 5 games on the market: iRacing, LFS, NKP, rF and EVO.
Comparing just items 1 and 2, using as example just formula cars, my sequence of preference is:
1 - iRacing
2 - NKP
3 - LFS
4 - Evo
5 - rF
So, IMO, LFS is not the best sim for ME. But this is just MY opinion, not the TRUE.